lunes, 4 de junio de 2007

Un principo

So I'm supposed to be sleeping right now so that I can get up and go to work in the morning, but instead I find myself still awake. Because my apartment is pretty tiny, the gravitational force of my 6-lb laptop seems much greater therefore, if I am home and awake, I am drawn to it. A buddy of mine suggested I try creating a blog to work out my compulsive eating issues, and tonight seemed like as good of a time as any to start. This is actually a lot harder than I expected! I guess the biggest thing in my life right now is just trying to correlate my emotions to my compulsive eating habits. After I get that figured out I will know my triggers and will be able to get back to the healthy me that I once was. I'm not sure if this makes a whole lot of sense - I'm pretty tired - I binged tonight after a really good evening, and I'm not even sure why. Thus the need to sort this stuff out. What do I want to accomplish here? Basically, use this as a place to admit my mistakes, celebrate my successes and keep track of my emotions. Well, I guess this is a start and I should probably get some sleep or I will make bad choices again tomorrow. Until next time...

2 comentarios:

Walter and Laura dijo...

I have found that blogging and reading others blogs that have the same issues has helped me. I am not binge free, nor have I lost any of the weight I want to yet, but I am slowing "cleaning house" in my mind.

Hang in there!

Foodfairy dijo...

Hey. Ok I found your blog. I was spelling the address using the English spelling "Emotion" not the Spanish spelling. It's great that you are blogging and I think it does help. Writing instead of eating, that's the best way. Oh and I think it's very cool that you have done it on the Spanish version of blogger. I tried to start French and Japanese blogs once but it didn't work out. But it's definitely a way to work on your language. Good work girl